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Her NGO and her team shared pearls of inspiration for personal development under the overall theme of “Preparing for life after college”. A former BAC International Finance & Banking graduate shared an app made by start-up following his further Master’s study in Executive Entrepreneurship. The app allows students to car-pool to arrange overnight study-sessions, share costs of long journeys or rent out cars during the day. Hosted on the Google Store, the app, called “Sykel”, has the functionality to link a user to the Police in case of emergencies for safety and protection. The value of home-grown solutions to tertiary-education student problems was demonstrated through entrepreneurial solutions.


As the former Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States Alan Greenspan said:

“Like all learning, financial education is a process that should begin at an early age and continue throughout life. This cumulative process builds the skills necessary for making critical financial decisions that affect one’s ability to attain the assets, such as education, property, and savings, that improve economic well-being.”